Gerrie J.J.W. Bours, Rene´e Speyer, Jessie Lemmens, Martien Limburg & Rianne de Wit. (2008). Bedside screening tests vs. videofluoroscopy or fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing to detect dysphagia in patients with neurological disorders: systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 477-493.
Langmore, S.E., Skarupski, K.A., Park, P.S., & Fries, B.E. (2012). Predictors of aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents. Dysphagia.
Leder, S.B., Espinosa, M.S. (2002). Aspiration risk after acute stroke: comparison of clinical examination and fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. Dysphagia,17:214-218.
Smith CH, Logemann J.A., Colangelo L.A., Rademaker A.W., & Pauloski B.R. (1999). Incidence and patient characteristics associated with silent aspiration in the acute care setting. Dysphagia, 14:1-7.
Smithard, D.G., O’Neill, P.A., Park, C., et al. (1998). Can bedside assessment reliably exclude aspiration following acute stroke? Age and Ageing, 27i(2), 99-106.
Murray, J, Langmore, S.E., Ginsberg, S. & Dostie, A. (1996). The significance of oropharyngeal secretions and swallowing frequency in predicting aspiration. Dysphagia,11, 99-103.
Langmore, S.E. & Logemann, J.A. (1991). After the clinical bedside swallowing examination: What next? American Journal of Speech Language Pathology,13-20.
FEES compared to MBSS
Bax, L., McFarlane, M. Green, E., & Miles, A. (2014). Speech-language pathologist-led fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing: Functional outcomes for patients with stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23, 195-200.
Dietsch, A.M., Solomon, N.P., Steele, C.M., & Pelletier, C.A. (2013). The effect of barium on perceptions of taste intensity and palatability. Dysphagia.
Stokely, S.L., Molfenter, S.M., & Steele, C.M. (2003). Effects of barium concentration on oropharyngeal swallow timing measures. Dysphagia.
Leder, S.B. & Murray, J.T. (2008). Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 19(4):787-801.
Ajemian, M.S. (2001). Routine Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing Following Prolonged intubation: Implications for Management. Archives of Surgery, 136(4):434-437
Leder, S. B., Sasaki, C. T., & Burrell, M. I. (1998). Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Dysphagia to Identify Silent Aspiration. Dysphagia, 13(1), 19-21.
Madden, C., Fenton, J., Hughes, J., & Timon, C. (2000). Comparison between videofluoroscopy and milk-swallow endoscopy in the assessment of swallowing function. Clinical Otolaryngology, 25(6), 504-506.
Rao N., Brady, S. L., Chaudhuri, G., Donselli J. J., & Wesling, M. W. (2003). Gold-standard? Analysis of the videofluoroscopic and fiberoptic endoscopic swallow examinations. Journal of Applied Research, 3(1), 89-96.
What does FEES show us
Takahashi, N, Kikutani, T, Tamura, F., Groher, M., & Kuboki, T. (2012). Videoendoscopic assessment of swallowing function to predict the future incidence of pneumonia of the elderly. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 39; 429-437.
Butler, S.G., Maslan, J., Stuart, A., Leng, X., Wilhelm, E., Lintzenich, C.R., Williamson, J., & Kritchevsky, S.B. (2011). Factors influencing bolus dwell times in healthy older adults assessed endoscopically. Laryngoscope, Dec; 121(12): 2526-34.
Allen, J.E., White, C.J., Leonard, R.J., & Belafsky, P.C (2010). Prevalence of penetration and aspiration on videofluoroscopy in normal individuals without dysphagia. Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 142(2): 208-13.
Aviv, J.E. (2000). Prospective, randomized outcome study of endoscopy vs. modified barium swallow in patients with dysphagia. Laryngoscope, 100, 563-574.
Leder, S.B. & Sasaki, C.T. (2001). Use of FEES to assess and manage patients with head and neck cancer. In Langmore, S.E., editor. Endoscopic evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders. New York: Thieme; 201-212.
Smith, C.H., Logemann, J.A., Colangelo, L.A., Rademaker, A.W., & Pauloski, B.R. (1999). Incidence and patient characteristics associated with silent aspiration in the acute care setting. Dysphagia, 14: 1-7.
McCulloch T.M., Langmore S.E., Palmer P.M, & Jaffe D. (1998). Timing of glossopharyngeal events during swallow: a combined electromyographic and endoscopic evaluation. Dysphagia,13:123.
McCulloch T.M., Langmore S.E., & Palmer P.M. (1997). Timing of glottis closure during swallow: a combined electromyographic and endoscopic evaluation. Dysphagia, 12:111.
Murray, J., Langmore, S.E., Ginsberg, S., & Dostie, A. (1996). The significance of accumulated oropharyngeal secretions and swallowing frequency in predicting aspiration. Dysphagia, 11:99-103.
FEES safety
Nacci, A., Matteucci, J., Romeo, S.O., Santopadre, S., Cavaliere, M.D., Barillari, M.R., Berrettini, S., & Fattori, B. (2016). Complications with Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing in 2,820 Examinations. ENT, Audiology and Phoniatrics Unit, Department of Neurosciences, University of Pisa, Italy. Folia Phoniatr Logop, 68(1):37-45.
Warnecke, T., Teismann, I., Oslenber, S., Hamacher, C., Ringelstein, E.B., Schabitz, W.R., & Dziewas, R. (2009). The safety of fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in acute stroke patients. Stroke, 40(2):482-6.
Aviv, J.E., Murray, T., Zschommler, A., Cohen, M., & Gartner, C. (2005). Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing: patient characteristics and analysis of safety in 1340 consecutive examinations. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology,114:173-176.
Cohen, M.A., Setzen, M., Perlman, P.W., Ditkoff, M., Mattucci, K.F., Guss, J. (2003). The safety of flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing in an outpatient otolaryngology setting. Laryngoscope, 113:21-24.
Aviv, J.E., Kaplan, S.T., Thompson, J.E., Spitzer, J., Diamond, B., Close, L.G. (2000). The safety of flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing: an analysis of 500 consecutive evaluations. Dysphagia,15:39-44.
Wu, C.H., Hsiao, T.Y., Chen, J.C., Chang, Y.C., &Lee, S.Y. (1997). Evaluation of swallowing safety with fiberoptic endoscope: Comparison with video fluoroscopic technique. Laryngoscope, 107, 396-401.
Patient comfort during FEES
O’Dea, Meredith B., Langmore, Susan E., Krisciunas, Gintas P., Walsh, Michael, Zanchetti, Linsey L., Scheel, Rebecca, McNally, Edell, Kaneoka, Asako Satoh, Guarino, Anthony J., Butler, Susan G. (2015). Effect of Lidocaine on Swallowing During FEES in Patients With Dysphagia. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, Vol. 124(7) 537–544
Kamarunas, E.E., McCullough, G.H., Guidry, T.J., Mennemeier, M. & Schluteman, K. (2014). Effects of topical nasal anesthetic on Fiberoptic Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing with Sensory Testing (FEESST). Dysphagia, 29 (1), 33-43.
Lester, S., Langmore, S.E., Lintzenich, C.R., Wright, S.C., Grace-Martin, K., Fife, T., & Butler, S.G. (2013). The effects of topical anesthetic on swallowing during nasoendoscopy. Laryngoscope,123(7):1704-8.
Suiter, D. M., & Moorhead, M. K. (2007). Effects of flexible fiberoptic endoscopy on pharyngeal swallow physiology. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 956-858.
Singh, V., Brockbank, M.J., & Todd, G.B. (2002). Swallowing and sensation: Evaluation of deglutition in the anesthetized larynx. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 111, 291-294.
Leder, S.B., Ross, D.A., Briskin, K.B., & Sasaki, C.T. (1997). A prospective, double-blind, randomized study on the use of a topical anesthetic, vasoconstrictor, and placebo during transnasal flexible fiberoptic endoscopy. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 40:1352-1357.
Singh, V., Brockbank, M.J., & Todd, G.B. Flexible transnasal endoscopy: is local anesthetic necessary? (1997). Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 111:616-618.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to our friends at Dysphagia in Motion, based in New Orleans, LA, for sharing a comprehensive list of research and literature
History of FEES:
Langmore, S.E. (2017). History of Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing for Evaluation and Management of Pharyngeal Dysphagia: Changes over the Years. Dysphagia, 32: 27. doi;10.1007/s00455-016-9775-x.